staircase renovation...creating open living space

Remember this scene…my living room a construction zone as I tackled our staircase renovation?
Well, here’s the update!

modern farmhouse staircase renovation after

I couldn’t get a good picture from the same angle as in the construction picture with the furniture rearranged (so many times since then!) now that the piano blocks that view.

modern farmhouse staircase renovation

Buddha finally found a home on thisledge, holding the incense from Madeline, gives my heart a little joy every time I go downstairs.

farmhouse staircase renovation after

Doug salvaged this timber from our barn to use for the handrail…I love that it’s wide enough to use as a shelf.

rustic barnwood stair rail after

I love the connection this provides between the upper and lower living areas – perfect for the flow of our activities.

staircase renovation after

I still need to complete the railing…I’m just not quite completely sure about the solution – definitely a horizontal type rail or wire, but still searching for the perfect inspiration…so more to come (once I find time between the new projects I’ve started…just tore down the wall between the kitchen and laundry room!).

have a beautiful week

