dining room table center piece

My beautiful dining room table arrangement is gone…it’s found new friends and playmates in another loved corner of our home.


That’s perfectly fine with me since I have new-found treasures that I’m adoring and inspired to create a new arrangement…my adorable rooster which reminds me of my sweet little hens who now live at the neighbours; a big fat pitcher that I can’t resist; an elegant white and gold tray that found me during my latest ‘window’ shopping trip; and, as always, my treasured collection of shells collected beach-combing with my kids – a collection of beautiful forms and memories all.


Adding candles to create a collection of five adds balance…although I can’t resist adding a sprig of lavender (so actually a collection of six!).  I love the opposing effect of the organic soft grey creamy tones of the large shell filled with beach rocks with the smooth shiny finish of the china pitcher and rooster.


Arranged on the white tray, the items are drawn together as a collection and given importance or substance.  I love the beachy farmhouse vibe that offsets the formality of the chandelier.  Beautiful!…now just a glass of wine (maybe a bit of food?) and good company.


have a beautiful week!

xo shelley
