dirty smudgy fingerprint life hack

do you have these??  Dirty smudgy fingerprints on your walls and doorways?   I have a life hack – a simple design technique that works great for dealing with all those dirty little smudgy finger prints and making your home look even more beautiful…and as a result, stress free and zen 🙂 .


Dirty smudgy walls…help me!

Dirty, smudgy fingerprints adorn my walls. I don’t know why, but my adorable children (…maybe not just the children but us big people too) are compelled to leave dirty finger prints all over my beautiful creamy white walls…long smears up and down the stairwell, little lines around door frames and flowing swirls around the pillars.

Although these little smudge lines do make me smile
…memories of the kids doing their acrobatic dances…
…playing ‘catch me if you can’ through the house…
Laughter music and dancing feet.

however…they otherwise are a bit embarrassing (no, I haven’t gotten over having a messy home).
In an effort to disguise the mess in the stairwell, I start painting a design on the plain creamy walls with a mottled glaze finish  – AND discover a brilliant little life hack…paint glaze repels finger prints!!


It seems that, in addition to the glaze working to hide the prints that do get ‘deposited’, the glossiness of the glaze also repels the oily dirty prints.  It really makes a remarkable difference – 6 months later (with NO WALL WASHING) there are very few visible marks.
For me that is huge…HUGE – I mean, really, who has time to wash walls?
Glossy paint seems somewhat similar, although not as effective and  has a whole different look that I’m not a big fan of, for the most part.  So, next I’m going to tackle my door frames (they are really bad)!


the photo lighting exaggerates the mottling…but that is mottled glaze not fingerprints 🙂

 My life just became a little more easy and beautiful.

have a beautiful week

xo shelley
