engagement party entrance decor

Madeline’s recent engagement party was such a fun way to start the celebrations for her quickly approaching wedding…and, of course, a great excuse for all sorts of decorating projects (not that I need an excuse!).

My amazing sister-in-law, Sandra, joined me in the preparations, sharing her beautiful decorations and providing loads of inspiring ideas…like this adorable entrance arch made of Russian Sage and branches collected from our garden.


The weather even cooperated giving me little balmy breaks between rain showers…even taking a rest from massive downpours with little glimpses of sunshine for guests’ arrival


…it’s getting there!…and apparently wine is an important survey tool for the building of engagement party decor
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A lovely little backdrop of sage and leaves for some pictures…the guests of honor, Madeline and Isaac – what a adorable happy couple

shelley-goertz-weddeing-engagement-party--farmhouse-bride and groom

Have a beautiful week!

