staircase reno

Finally, after seven years of contemplation, I’m bashing down the walls surrounding our staircase.  Of course, I just finished the wall treatment surrounding the doorway (above) and now am tearing it down!

…although, really, there is a good reason beyond satisfying my obsession for wall removal 😯 as this will provide a much better connection between our upper and lower living areas.

Beautiful construction mess…this is what my family patiently navigates in one room or another…seems normal, no?


Pretty sure this look means ‘put down that camera, I need you to lend me some muscle’…although, really, I am enjoying myself immensely 🙂

shelley goertz stairwell renovation

Finally, wide open to the downstairs living area – I’m getting excited already!
shelley goertz stairwell renovation open plan

Now the big picture work is done, I need to power through my procrastination and figure out the railing…already I’ve heard a few “mom, I nearly stepped over the edge!”

(update! – almost finished…you can see my progress here)


have a beautiful week!

